
Showing posts from April, 2022
 Jin a la Aunkai Discussion   Bear in mind that the 6H forum is more investigatory about jin, qi, dantian, reverse breathings, etc., and is less interested in actual martial usage.  Aunkai is a focused martial pursuit, so there is no parallel in goals, although Rob John and some of the other Aunkai demigods do pursue a level of "how to explain this" and "how does this work".  Anyway, to cut to the chase, this is a brief discussion about jin, at least from a 6H perspective.  I'll let some of the Aunkai guys explain the subtleties and nuances that they posit we are missing (in good humor, of course).  😉   Jin is defined as "the physical manifestation of qi" and you can find that definition in a number of texts from different Chinese martial arts.  What that statement means is that a jin force-path is arranged by the mind arranging or "willing" how the subconscious-controlled involuntary-muscle/fascia systems act.  Often, during a day,...