Functional Qigongs 2 Going back to the example in Functional Qigongs 1 of the qi-tissues of the chest, arms, and dantian pulling the arms inward and using breath … do that a few times as a warmup and then let's look at a slight tangent to some of the same tissues or tissues nearby. If you look at a diagram of the muscle-tendon channels (the muscle and tendon paths/channels upon which the acupuncture "meridians" are based), you can see that there are three channels that are used to lift and Open the arms: large intestine, small intestine, and triple burner. The 3 Yin channels are, of course, used to contract and Close the arms. Notice that the Yang muscle-tendon channels that pull the arm upward are rooted in the head and neck: something higher on the body from which to hang the arms. So, try this experiment. Let the arms hang loosely to the front and sides of the body. Lean the head backward to help make some pre-tension (tak...